Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Malik's Profile

Malik was born Larry Malik Inniss on 24th August 1983 in Belmont, Port of Spain.

He chose the sobriquet Malik� which literally means Master� Malik is the master of
his own destiny, someone who is not easily detracted and who goes after his goals
with hard work, perseverance and determination.

Writing poetry and chanting lyrics to his classmates, he developed a knack
for composing songs by the age of 15. Malik� was exposed to what is termed as conscious reggae’
However, he felt a missing element to his own creativity, although he
continued to write, keeping his pulse in tune to his surroundings and the
society at large.

At 17 he found the infectious drive of Hip Hop music
to be invigorating and found divine inspiration from Rappers
such as Nas and the late Tupac Shakur.

Absorbing himself in the art-form, he recalls there
were times I would lock myself in my room to practice my
skills as a story teller and poet enough for listeners to take
a journey through my thoughts.�

In 2003 Malik� performed in the “Telethon for the
Arts� which was broadcasted live. He is also involved in the Circle of Poets and
in 2004 was involved in a number of productions: The Poetry Tour in Tobago
called “The Fifth Encounter�, UNAIDS Youth Fest, Best Village — Village Chat
and Poetry, Les Mots De Mon Coeur (The Words of My Heart) - a Circle of Poets Production and also many Open Mic Sessions.

In 2005 released his first music video, directed Elspeth Duncan of Happy Hippy Productions and Music and Production by
Navid Lancaster Sure Sounds recording for the track called “Street Life�. Street Life was different to the typical rap video with ladies in short skirts shaking their behinds, fast cars and bling bling it goes deeper. Malik address many aspects of the day to day struggle that we as a people face such as: Crime, domestic violence, suicide, poverty and having fuel and determination to overcome this hardship with a strong belief in GOD.
In the end being victorious is the true meaning of â Street Life�.

Also in that year he performed in the event â Fight against crime� which was sponsored by Ministry of Culture and Youth Affairs held in ST.Barbs basketball court. Other feature performers were Jadee and Sherwin Gardener.
Followed by another Ministry of Culture and Youth Affairs
Production in Red Hill Laventille along with the trio called Ministry, Linton, Isaac Blackman, Zion Child, Ras Iton, Gitta Dan, Mr King and Maximus Dan

2005 was just the start of big things to come for Malik

Be on the lookout for his debut album”coming soon!!
Mali­k - always original writing from the heart.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Definitely a poet at heart. His words emulates the rapperz of the golden, olden days where rap waz much more than just a recognized art form, but it waz a movement, a language people could relate to and a voice for those who otherwise had none. Malik uses his wrds as that voice to take perplex elements of our every day life and break it down into bite size pieces so the soul can chew and digest it. Truly a brother with a heart and passion for his music and a passion for the most high...Keep it up. You know Mission have yuh back...Bless

The path to evil may bring great power, but not loyalty.